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5 minutes away from being a skill-based organization

Take your employees to the next level: skill management, talent development, personalised learning paths, performance management & analytics – all on one platform.

These organizations trust us for skill management and peer learning

    Our AI-based skill platform for learning, talent, and performance management

    Identify skill requirements for job profiles

    We help your business identify market-derived competencies for jobs and create skills profiles by giving you access to our vast machine-learning skill cloud of over 13.000 skills. At every step of the entire L&D process, we will support you with our team of L&D experts.

    Talent management made easy

    Our job profile finder will help you visualize your internal talent, making it easier to identify the people most suitable for any job or project.

    Identify skill gaps

    Define the current and target competence level of any job profile, and identify competence gaps with the help of the Peers assessment, which includes a self-assessment and external assessment.

    Skill-based learning

    From a range of over 10,000 pieces of learning content, SELENA, our artificial intelligence, identifies those that best fit the role, competence level, department, and individual preferences of your employees.

    Skill-based performance management

    Follow your workforce’s skill progress throughout their learning path and gain real-time insights into your employees‘ competencies. Use these insights to conduct feedback sessions and define development plans. Manage the performance of individual talents and entire teams.

    Admin & analytics tools

    Find out how many—and which—of your employees are learning, at what pace, which skills, how much of the budget has been utilized, and much more, at a glance.

    Our learning content marketplace contains pieces from

      Overcoming challenges,
      achieving company goals

      Where does your organization stand on the most pressing challenges most companies face today?

      Skill-based, personalized, engaging:
      Build a culture of learning & sustainably increase ROI

      When employees are given the chance to acquire and develop their skills, motivation and productivity grow. Improve your ROI sustainably by establishing a goal-oriented learning culture.

      86% increase in employee retention

      75% cost savings on recruiting

      37% boost in productivity

      2x more resilient to crises

      2x faster implementation of digital transformation

      4 hours of work saved per week per HR staff member

      Why Peers?


      can develop their careers and measure their skill progress throughout their learning path.


      can measure the skill progress of their team and identify top talents, optimizing personnel planning.

      HR managers

      can digitalize processes, saying goodbye once and for all to Excel and other tools.

      Peers for learners

      • Motivating learning culture

      • Self-determined learning

      • Personalized learning path

      • Advancement opportunities & internal mobility

      More targeted skills development with peers: our customers report

      • Peers ist eine riesige Bereicherung für die HR-Szene!

        Michaela Reimann
        Mitglied der Geschäftsleitung, Bereichsleiterin Personal und Unternehmenskultur bei der Joseph-Stiftung

      • Ich möchte meine Mitarbeitenden fit für die jetzigen und kommenden Anforderungen ihres Jobs machen und sehe Peers dabei als verlässlichen Partner an meiner Seite. So können wir auch langfristig Produktivität und Effizienz gewährleisten .

        Andreas Riguzzi
        Geschäftsführer und Eigentümer der Riguzzi AG

      • Peers bietet die perfekte Unterstützung. Ich kann mir vorstellen, Peers an die HR-Abteilung weiterzuleiten und noch andere Bereiche innerhalb von Gleason anzusprechen.

        Sven Stark
        Direktor Aftersales & Service bei Gleason-Pfauter Maschinenfabrik GmbH

      • Peers hat mich wirklich weitergebracht. Das Beste dabei ist, dass das Gelernte überprüft wird und dass man sich damit auseinandersetzen kann, was man gelernt hat.

        Manuela Zanoli
        Personal & Administration bei Keller Laser AG

      • Individuelle Lernprogramme manuell zu entwickeln, kostet uns Monate. Peers ist der verlängerte Arm der Personalentwicklung, mit dem wir unsere Mitarbeitenden schneller und zielgerichteter weiterbilden.

        Kerstin Kägler
        Head of Corporate HR Learning & Development bei TRUMPF GmbH + Co. KG

      • Peers Solutions bietet Orientierung im unübersichtlichen Markt der Weiterbildung: Mit klarem Fokus auf unserer Industrie und flexibel abgestimmt auf die Bedürfnisse der Mitarbeitenden und des Unternehmens.

        Oliver Maassen
        Leiter Personal und Sozialwesen bei TRUMPF GmbH & Co. KG.

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